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Adapting to Climate Change: Flooding and Coastal Erosion

Evidence type: Policy

Organisation: Environment Agency

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Climate change will make flooding more frequent and will increase the rate of coastal erosion. This document lists the risks of coastal erosion and details the adpatation measures employed by the Environment Agency.

Key Messages

The Environment Agency have developed a long term investment strategy for flood risk management.

This sets out investment options and benefits for the next 25 years looking forward over the whole of the century.

Climate change role/function
Managing coastal flooding

The Environment Agency have developed catchment flood management plans for the whole of England and Wales.

These consider the future impact of climate change on river flows and identify the most suitable policies for their management.

Green infrastructure type
Water courses
Climate change role/function
Managing riverine flooding

The Environment Agency have produced Shoreline Management Plans for the coastline of England and Wales.

These provide the latest information on coastal change and future management policies. These are being updated for 2010.

Green infrastructure type
Coastal habitat
Climate change role/function
Managing coastal flooding

The Environment Agency have developed strategies for many of our estuaries to reduce flood risk and foster the sustainable functioning of estuaries.

Green infrastructure type
Water courses
Climate change role/function
Managing riverine flooding; Managing coastal flooding

The Environment Agency have tested the design and performance of all new flood and coastal risk management schemes against increased river flows and coastal extreme water levels to allow for climate change.

Green infrastructure type
Water courses; Coastal habitat
Climate change role/function
Non-specific adaptation role/function; Managing riverine flooding; Managing coastal flooding

The Environment Agency have sought to prevent inappropriate developments in areas at risk of flooding.

Climate change role/function
Managing riverine flooding; Managing coastal flooding; Managing surface water

The Environment Agency plan to manage the coastal environment into the future.

They plan to:  

Revise Shoreline Management Plans that will, in some cases, include coastal erosion maps on their internet site. The Shoreline Management Plans from early 2010 will incorporate the latest climate change scenarios from UKCP09.  


Manage the impact of sea level rise and the impact of coastal management on inter-tidal habitats to comply with the obligations of the Habitats Regulations. They are compensating for the loss of these habitats by supporting many saltmarsh and mudflat creation partnership projects over the past five years at a cost of over 3 million pounds.

Green infrastructure type
Coastal habitat
Climate change role/function
Managing coastal flooding
Document Analysis


Level of document
Geographical area to which document refers
United Kingdom
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